Montpelier Conservation Group
Montpelier Conservation Group is concerned primarily with issues relating to the built environment of Montpelier and its neighbouring areas.
What do we do?
Much of our time is taken with considering planning applications for buildings and attending related meetings. But we have also worked on bringing Montpelier Park to life, on improving road layouts and street furniture, and setting up the MontpelierPages online directory.
Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings – what do these mean?
Montpelier is a Conservation Area and, as well, many of the properties are Listed.
Historic England has relevant advice.
It is worth remembering that Conservation Area regulations include trees. For instance, conservation area consent is generally required to work on a tree which has a trunk diameter of 75mm or above at 1.5 metres from the ground – see Bristol City Council page about trees in conservation areas.
Minutes of our Meetings
Minutes of our meetings are available to download from the MCG Minutes page.
Other sites of interest
Know Your Place enables you to explore Montpelier through historic maps, images and linked information.
Bristol Pinpoint has a range of information layers, which include environment, planning, housing and property.
For planning matters see Bristol City Council planning and building regulations. Here you will also find a link to the Montpelier Character Appraisal which was adopted in 2009 and to Licensing (scroll down to the pdfs).
Other information Bristol-wide is available on the Bristol Civic Society website.
Friends of Suburban Bristol Railways
St Pauls Nursery School and Children's Centre
The MCG newsletter archive
The newsletters from 1991 to 1994 are available to download from the MCG Newsletter page.
Trivia Quiz
Test your Montpelier knowledge here, complete with revealable answers!
Why not contribute to the next MCG meeting?
Montpelier Conservation Group usually meets once a month – at present this is via video link.
Proposed meeting dates for 2024 are:
15 January
19 February
18 March
15 April
20 May
17 June
15 July
19 August
16 September
21 October
18 November
16 December